Spring beach clean

We worked with an army of enthusiastic volunteers to complete another successful beach clean-up morning on Sunday, 24th September 2023 as part of International Coastal Cleanup®.

International Coastal Cleanup® partners with volunteer organisations around the globe to help remove rubbish from beaches and waterways. The global organisation has been operating for over 35 years, and in that time 17 million volunteers have collected more than 150,000 tonnes of rubbish.

Even with these huge numbers, every small action in our communities can make a huge difference. Every plastic bottle, every plastic straw, every small piece of rubbish that is collected leads to a cleaner, healthier ocean.

In our recent clean up we collected around 10kg of rubbish, with half of it being recyclable. The number of plastic containers and glass bottles was noticeably less than previous clean ups but still over 250 cigarette butts were collected, plus balloon fragments and fishing wire and tackle were collected from rocks at the beach. These litter items pose a major risk to marine wildlife including seabirds and other marine animals so we thank all of our volunteers for helping us collect and dispose of these items.

We are planning our next clean up for 3 March 2024 as part of Clean up Australia Day. Hope to see you there!