Catch the
Plastic Free Wave
Ride the wave to a future free of plastic waste!
Plastic Free Avoca Beach is a local community group that shares information and ideas on environmentally conscious and sustainable initiatives and supports each other in reducing our use of single-use plastics.
Join Us
If you’re concerned about the amount of plastic and other litter you see on our beaches and foreshores and its impact on marine life, join us in our mission to make Avoca Beach plastic free!
Join our Facebook group, follow us on Instagram or email us to become a member.

Plastic Free July 2024
Join us by taking the Plastic Free Pledge this July and beyond! People around the world are taking a small…

World Ocean Day 2024
We ran a community clean-up in Hunter Park, Avoca Beach on 8 June, World Clean Up Day. This was one…

Spring beach clean
We worked with an army of enthusiastic volunteers to complete another successful beach clean-up morning on Sunday, 24th September 2023…